Marshall County Commissioners Approve CARES Act Reimbursement Counsel

Marshall County will be getting help putting together the paperwork for reimbursement of costs associated with COVID-19.

The commissioners took action Monday morning to contract with Barnes and Thornburg representatives who will put together all of the evidence and proof needed in order for the county to be reimbursed for expenses in response to the health pandemic. 

The county received $1.5 million from the CARES Act. 

Commission President Kevin Overmyer said anything the county logged related to COVID-19 will be submitted for consideration for reimbursement.

Overtime hours submitted by the Marshall County Health Department, County Attorney Jim Clevenger, Marshall County Sheriff’s Department, Maintenance Department, and other department representatives could be reimbursed with the money received.  The installation of Plexiglas in the county offices to protect the employees and the public would qualify, as well as the purchase of masks, hand sanitizer, and other cleaning needs for the county offices.  Funds distributed to the local food banks could also be reimbursed. 

The cost for the service from Barnes and Thornburg is $7,500.  An engagement letter was signed by the commissioners in order to continue with the action.