Marshall County Sheriff to Apply for Grants

Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel recently asked both the Marshall County Commissioners and the Marshall County Council to apply for two different grants.

He explained that the Marine Patrol Assistance grant from the Department of Natural Resources will be for help with Lake Maxinkuckee patrols in Culver in the amount of $20,000.  The Lake Maxinkuckee Association typically covers a large amount of the patrols as they are a proud supporter of the program.

The other grant application request the sheriff presented was for the Stop Arm Violation Enforcement grant.

“Last year was the first year we were able to apply for this and what this does is to allow us to bring officers in that are off duty and pay them to patrol buses and ticket people who are violating the stop arm,” commented Sheriff Hassel. 

This is a reimbursable grant.  The grant will reimburse the county for hours worked by the officer who participates in the patrols. 

Both grant application requests were approved with a unanimous vote by both branches of government leaders.