Marshall County Commissioners to Review Jail Medical Contract

The proposed contract for inmate medical services is under more review by Marshall County Attorney Jim Clevenger who wants to correct some items in the contract before the commissioners approve a revised version.

Clevenger said the new contract with Quality Correctional Care mirrors a lot of services that are included in the current contract such as 24 hour/7 days a week access to a medical doctor via telephone, access to a mental health professional and a doctor who visits the jail at least once a week. 

In the new contract, Sheriff Matt Hassel asked for an increase in hours for the jail nurse which increased the cost of the contract.  Hassel previously said the increase in hours is to accommodate the increase of inmates at the jail.  The hours would include five hours on Saturday and five hours on Sunday and increase to 12 hours a day Monday through Friday. 

Clevenger also said new provisions listed in the contract don’t spell out indemnification, and there are automatic renewals in the contract that Clevenger likes to avoid. 

The contract was approved at an earlier meeting, pending Clevenger’s review.  It will be reconsidered at a future meeting once those things are to the attorney’s satisfaction.