Marshall County Commissioners Support Formation of East Shore Conservancy District

The Marshall County Commissioners unanimously approved a motion last week to produce a letter of support for the establishment of the East Shore Conservancy District in Culver. 

The commissioners determined that since the county is looking to do away with septic systems in rural areas where sewer districts could benefit the health of residents, especially with water resources, and this would fit into those future plans.    

Work toward the establishment of the East Shore Conservancy District began in August when the East Shore Corporation’s wetland disbursement system failed north of 18th Road.  The East Shore Corporation is currently pumping and hauling waste, at their own expense, that is being treated in the Town of Culver’s wastewater system.

The district would be running lines from 18th Road and Queen Road to State Road 10 and hook into Culver’s northwest point of the wastewater system.  Residents in the East Shore Corporation would have to hook to the system and there are over 100 members in the corporation. 

The letter of support will accompany a petition by the East Shore Corporation to establish the Conservancy District.  The petition will be presented to the Department of Natural Resources in a hearing on Dec. 10.