Culver Town Council Updated on Disannexation Request

A disannexation petition filed by the property owners on Cass Street in Culver is still going through the process.

Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist reminded the town council members on Tuesday night that the parcel was annexed into the town to accommodate plans for a childcare facility at that location, however plans fell through and now the owners want to finalize paperwork to return that land back to the county taxing district.

Leist indicated that he did submit paperwork to the property owners outlining several steps in the disannexation process. 

It was determined that the taxes would be 10 times higher if the 2.67 acre parcel stayed as annexed as they would become vacant lots in the town limits rather than in the township.

A public hearing on the matter is set for the town council’s next meeting on Oct. 22. 

Following that public hearing, the town council members will vote to accept or deny the petition.  The council members are likely to approve the petition.