Marshall County Commissioners Discuss Network Fleet Management

Two Marshall County Commissioners agree to eliminate a GPS contract while another wants to wait to analyze it further.

Commissioner Stan Klotz suggested canceling the Network Fleet Management contract and save the county $16,000 a year for a service that he says is rarely used. 

Commissioner Mike Delp said he spoke to Highway Superintendent Jason Peters about some concerns and wants to keep it for now as his analysis continues. 

Most county vehicles have GPS.  Commission President Kevin Overmyer commented that the practice began to assist dispatchers in determining where all of the county’s vehicles were located in case an emergency occurred.   However, Overmyer said it never got that far. 

Klotz said that the department heads can keep track of everything and be responsible.

The devices also help keep track on maintenance records.  Klotz said the highway department has a plan for maintenance so they don’t need the tracking service.  Delp countered that one highway department employee said valuable information is gleaned from the service.

In the end, Delp said that he’d like to wait until the end of the year to consider canceling the contract.  However, Klotz made a motion to end the contract with 30 days notice and Overmyer seconded the motion.  Delp opposed the vote, but it passed 2-1.