Marshall County Commissioners Updated on Mitigation Sites

Marshall County Highway Superintendent Jason Peters updated the county commissioners on the mitigation site at the 13th Road bridge.

Peters said the Army Corps of Engineers has released the site to the county.  Paperwork will need to be signed that would deed back the mitigation site to the county.  As a provision of the document, the county will not do any development in that area and keep it as a wetland mitigation site.

The Army Corps of Engineers will no longer need to check on the site once all doumentation is complete.

County Attorney Jim Clevenger said he will need to get a legal description for the parcel and the paperwork can be signed at the next commissioners meeting on Monday, March 4.

As far as the 7th Road wetland mitigation site, Commission President Kevin Overmyer said he got an update from the Army Corp of Engineers where they say they are satisfied with the status there.  There are plans to include supplemental tree and shrub planting at the site along with continued invasive species control.