Plymouth City Council Holds Public Hearing for Bomarko, Inc. Tax Abatement Request

The Plymouth City Council members opened a public hearing Monday night to gather comments on the proposed expansion project by Bomarko, Inc. Company representatives are seeking tax abatement in order to expand operations.

Bomarko, Inc. is the global leader in the food and medical-grade flexible packaging company which creates innovative packaging for a variety of products ranging from ice cream sandwiches to adhesive bandages.

The company is planning a $5 million expansion investment with $2 million in a 20,000 square foot building addition and $3 million in equipment. A new printing press will be installed as part of the plan which will include a wider selection of colors and the capability of plastic printing.

The company has been in the Plymouth community since 1963. There are currently 120 employees at the business and 20 more are expected as part of this investment. They offer wages of $27.00 an hour and want to remain loyal to their employees as well as their customers.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi noted that this a unique tax abatement request in that it is a $5 million, 10-year tax abatement at 100 percent. He said it’s significantly more than normal requests, but the company is attempting to keep and add jobs with a competitive company in the state. Councilman Jeff Houin said that Bomarko, Inc. has been a great partner in the city and felt that the request is “well warranted”.

No other comments were made.

The council members later approved a resolution confirming the adoption of a declaratory resolution designating certain real estate to be within an Economic Revitalization Area.