Marshall County Commissioners Discuss Speed Limit Ordinance

The Marshall County Commissioners discussed a speed limit ordinance that would lower the speed limit on 18B Road that includes State Road 117 ending at Queen Road South in addition to a half mile on Queen Road North.

On Monday morning, Highway Supervisor Jason Peters provided the commissioners with traffic count figures on that stretch of road where statistics were collected spanning a five day period.

“117 to Queen we had 159. Queen to Queen, which would be that segment in between, was at 198. The junction then from Queen Road to Peach was 176,” said Peters.

He said that drivers are within the 40 mph speed limit, but Commissioner Kurt Garner noted that the speed accelerates in the more populated areas on 18B Road. Peters thought it would be a little higher.

After analyzing the figures, the commissioners agreed to approve the speed limit ordinance amendment on third reading which would reduce the speed limit to 30 mph.