David’s Courage Representatives Sign Transfer Agreement

Shady Rest Home

The Shady Rest Home transfer agreement between Marshall County and the facilitators of David’s Courage is now official.

Marshall County Attorney Jim Clevenger told the commissioners that Gregg Erickson signed the document on behalf of David’s Courage. An addictions recovery program will open soon at the Shady Rest Home property on Lincoln Highway in Plymouth.

The commissioners signed the agreement a few months ago that includes a three-member Shady Rest Transition Committee organization including an appointment by the commissioners, a county commissioner and a county council member. Members would ensure accountability in security and inspect the facility and operations from time to time.

Gregg Erickson and Ted Hayden indicated that they may change the name of the facility, which hasn’t taken place thus far. They recently applied for and received a $30,000 grant from the Marshall County Community Foundation for the installation of security equipment at the facility.

David’s Courage aims at assisting recovering addicts for six to nine months on getting a job, completing treatment, conducting community service, and obtaining other life and job skills. Clients will be recommended for programs at Shady Rest by the staff at Marshall County Community Corrections.