Marshall County Council Discusses Highway Department Request

Marshall County Highway Supervisor Jason Peters and Commissioner Kurt Garner went before the county council Monday morning to request funds to complete funding for three Community Crossings grant projects.

Three projects were approved for funding, but with the way the bidding numbers came in only two projects could be fully funded. The highway department is seeking funding for a third project to be funded solely by the county council.

Commissioner Garner explained that they are seeking funding assistance for North Michigan Street from Tyler Road to 1st Road, north of LaPaz, in the amount of $325,250. The money would come from the Rainy Day Fund until other obligations shake out and those funds can be replenished.

The council is anticipating the use of $100,000 left over from the Apple Road bridge project and a remaining $113,000 in Local Option Income Tax.

Peters noted that the North Michigan Street project would include mill and fill and the millings could come back to the county for use by the highway department which is a cost savings.

This project would not start until 2018.

The council members unanimously approved a recommendation to support the funding for the North Michigan Street project. The $249,405.38 grant match for the other two projects was also approved on the condition of when funding is received. An additional motion was approved to create a fund for the Community Crossings grant money when it is distributed to the county.

Community Crossings funds will be used to do work on Beech Road from U.S. 6 to 3B Road and South Michigan Street from Dewey Street to State Road 110.