Stellar Site Visit Today in Culver

The Town of Culver will welcome officials from the Stellar Communities Designation Program today for the official site visit. The town is a finalist in Division 2 in the Stellar Communities Designation Program.

Town Manager Jonathan Leist said today’s event will take several hours.

“We get about three hours to present information to the state review team that includes representatives from 14 different state agencies,” said Leist. “It’s our chance to bring the plan that we presented to them back in August to life. We’ll show them some of the sites where the projects would take place and sell them on Culver while they’re here.”

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Culver Town Council Receives Stellar Update as Site Visit Approaches

Town administrators and community members in Culver have been preparing for the upcoming Stellar Communities Designation Program site visit. On Wednesday evening, the Culver Town Council received an update about what has happened so far and what is yet to come.

Culver is one of three finalists in District 2 of the program, competing to be designated as a Stellar Community. In an effort to ensure they are aptly prepared, the Stellar Committee has been meeting on Tuesdays during the month of September. The night before the town council meeting, the committee met and did a practice run for the site visit. Continue reading

Town of Culver Prepares for Stellar Site Visit

The Town of Culver is beginning preparations for a visit from officials with the Stellar Communities Designation Program. The event is set for Oct. 5.

The goal of the Indiana Stellar Communities Designation Program is to help rural towns, like Culver, gather the resources needed to invest in improvements for economic revitalization. Those projects could include housing or other community-minded interests to renew spirit to the area or to alleviate decline.

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Culver Town Council, Stellar Committee Prepare for Site Visit

The finishing touches are complete on the Stellar Strategic Investment Plan for submission to the Stellar Communities Designation Program committee for the Town of Culver.

Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist said Union Township submitted a letter of support toward the project along with a $40,000 contribution toward the effort. The Marshall County Community Foundation, in coordination with the Vonnegut Fund through the organization, contributed $80,000 toward the bike and pedestrian trail project and Elkay Manufacturing is partnering with the town to provide cabinetry and plumbing fixtures for the proposed Sandhill Farm workforce development housing project.

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Culver Video Production Set for Saturday

Why do you choose Culver? Your answer can be featured in a video set for taped interviews this Saturday at the Culver Beach Lodge.

Fans of Culver of all ages are welcome to participate. You can sit in front of the camera and explain why you choose Culver. The time limit is 30 seconds. If you don’t want to speak but would like to include a sign of why you choose Culver, it will be featured in a photo montage.

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Stellar Video Production Set for Aug. 19

Culver residents have a chance to be a part of the Town of Culver’s quest to be a Stellar Community by participating in a Stellar Video production. This is the second consecutive year Culver has been selected as a finalist in the Stellar Communities Designation Program.  You can also check out video production company near me for the best services on the same!

Families and individuals have a chance to have their voice heard on why they choose Culver in a 30 sec video interview. Residents may also be photographed with a sign that explains why they choose Culver to be included in a photo montage.

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Culver Town Council Receives Stellar Update

Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist updated the Culver Town Council this week on work being done toward being designated a stellar community with the Stellar Communities Designation Program.

Leist said he and Utility Superintendent Bob Porter met with Marshall County Highway Supervisor Jason Peters to review details for the walking/biking trail. The Marshall County Commissioners agreed to pave one mile of the walking/biking trail as an in-kind contribution for this project within the town’s Stellar plan.

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Marshall County Council Supports Culver’s Stellar Communities Projects

Culver Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe and Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist went before the Marshall County Council to ask for a letter of support to include in their application for the Stellar Communities Designation Program grant.

Munroe mentioned that the town is attempting to show that the town is working with the county and that the county can benefit from the projects that are proposed in the Stellar Communities plan. The commissioners have already approved an in-kind donation of the installation of one mile of the walking/biking trail through the Culver Town Park and around Lake Maxinkuckee. The township is also putting forth support of the Cavalier Sports Center for upgrades and additions to the facilities at the Culver Community School Corporation. Several local and county organizations have offered grant match money for the various projects in the plan as well as in-kind donations and volunteer efforts.

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Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council will meet tonight. Town Manager Jonathan Leist will present his report which will include an update on the Stellar Communities Designation Program grant.

Council President Ginny Bess Munroe appeared before the Marshall County Commissioners last week where the county governing body agreed to support the town’s quest in becoming a stellar community. Munroe said the Town of Culver was looking to show a united front with the county to include in their finalist packet due by Aug. 25.

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Marshall County Commissioners Approve Contribution toward Culver Stellar Project

The Marshall County Commissioners approved an in-kind contribution to assist the Town of Culver in a quest to become a stellar community.

Culver Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe explained to the commissioners that other Stellar Communities Designation Program Grant candidates have included supporting documentation from partnerships with county and town entities in their applications. Munroe asked the commissioners for support of the bike/pedestrian trail around Lake Maxinkuckee that lies within their plans for the Stellar Communities grant.

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Stellar Communities Designation Program Finalists Announced

The finalists for the 2017 Stellar Communities Designation Program were announced early Thursday morning.

The Town of Culver was selected a finalist for the second consecutive year. Finalist communities are divided into two different categories based on population for the designation award. Culver will be placed into Division 2 which is for communities that have a population of 5,999 or less. Culver will compete against the Town of Churubusco in Whitley County and the City of Union City in Randolph County.

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