Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety Approves Requests and Hears Updates

Plymouth Fire Chief Steve Holm informed the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety that he received notice from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) regarding Corteva and a burn permit that will be good for one year to burn some wild grass on their property. This is done every other year or so for the purpose of regeneration of the grasslands. The Safety Supervisor of Corteva informed Chief Holm that if conditions are favorable over the next two or three weeks they will likely conduct the burn; if not the burn may wait until next Spring.

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Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety Approves Requests

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety approved Police Chief John Weir’s request to purchase a 2012 Ford F150 Quad Cab Pick Up Truck with 54,000 miles on it being sold for $20,000. The vehicle will be driven mainly by Assistant Chief Matthew Emenhiser who does not work the road. Other opportunities to purchase a vehicle estimated at $35,000. The board approved his request.

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