The Marshall County Commissioners accepted a denial letter from FEMA that concerns a specific reimbursement of funds.
Highway Supervisor Provides Commissioners with Several Updates
Marshall County Highway Supervisor Jason Peters updated the county commissioners on several items Monday morning.
He had the chance to submit the salt bid amount at 2,000 ton. He explained that it’s little more than in past years.
Commissioners Ratify Agreement with HERC
The Marshall County Commissioners approved a contract with Heavy Equipment Response Coalition (HERC) for flood emergency clean-up services.
The county and the City of Plymouth entered into an agreement with the not-for-profit agency where volunteer disaster response services, supplies and materials will be provided. Josh Walker helped solicit the organization out of Michigan to help with efforts during the flood event. The volunteers with the organization were coming back from relief efforts from hurricane activity in the south and stopped in at Plymouth to offer help.