Highway Supervisor Provides Commissioners with Several Updates

Marshall County Highway Supervisor Jason Peters updated the county commissioners on several items Monday morning.

He had the chance to submit the salt bid amount at 2,000 ton. He explained that it’s little more than in past years.

“We’ve always seemed to have a little bit of salt left over from the previous year. This year we were basically down to 200 ton left and we have a little bit of premix. I know it might have to raise that cost up a little bit on salt, as far as what we had budgeted, but I’d like to see that go up a little bit more,” stated Peters.

The commissioners agreed with Peters’ recommendation of acquiring more salt for the 2018-2019 winter season. The State will formulate a bid price later this year.

In another update, to assist with flood relief efforts, the county highway department gave officials with the Heavy Equipment Response Coalition a FOB in order to obtain gasoline. The invoice will be sent to the Flood Incident Command Center on Garro Street.

Additionally, Mike Obergfell from USI Consultants told the commissioners that the consultants were able to come up with a cost estimate of $563,000 in repairs needed to bridges damaged in the flood. They compared the current condition of the bridges and their condition at the conclusion of the last bridge inspection. If the county gets awarded federal funds for repairs, USI will return and conduct another inspection round as the water further recedes in order to proceed with more concrete cost estimates and repair plans.