Culver Town Council Opens Bids for Street Projects

The Culver Town Council members opened bids last week for the proposed street projects this year.

Town Manager Jonathan Leist said 12 different segments were bid.   Bids were received from Phend and Brown at about $463,237, Rieth Riley around $479,600 and E&B Paving at $296,756. 

School Street, Slate Street, and Madison are the main roads that will receive updates. 

The town council voted to take the bids under advisement and award one at the next meeting on April 9.  Leist and Utility Superintendent Bob Porter will review the bids and come back with a recommendation. 

Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council members will continue discussions on two annexation ordinances when they meet tonight.

The Lambert Trust property annexation request includes 1.26 acres of land just north of State Road 10 and west of State Road 17. Plans are to construct a Dollar General store on that newly rezoned commercial property.  The third reading of the ordinance that would grant annexation is being considered tonight.

The second request is for a daycare facility on the west end of Cass Street.  The first reading of the ordinance will be considered with a public hearing on the request set for the April 9 town council meeting.

Also, the Culver Town Council members will go over a Culver Boys and Girls Club donation request.  Town Manager Jonathan Leist will have updates on activities surrounding the Culver Stellar Communities Designation and his regular report.  The council members will also receive reports from Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim and the department heads.

The Culver Town Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. ET tonight at the Culver Town Hall at 200 E. Washington Street. 

Culver Town Council to Open Culver Beach Lodge Project Bids This Month

Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist updated the town council members this week on the upcoming Culver Beach Lodge project.

Construction documents are being put together by Steve Park with Mosaic Builders.  He’s finalizing major items in the documents and then the project will be sent for bid opening on Thursday, March 28.  The lakeside porch enclosure will be bid as an alternate bid. 

The bids will due that day by 10:30 a.m. ET with the bid opening at 11 a.m. ET that day.  The bids will be taken under advisement at that time to be discussed further at the April 9 Culver Town Council meeting. 

Leist said the Culver Beach Lodge project is part of the Stellar Communities Designation program plans that were approved for the Town of Culver.  The Beach Lodge will see a major renovation.

“The project includes updating the mechanical issues – plumbing, restroom fixtures, and electrical,” explained Leist.  “The main floor will get a major renovation.  They’ll be taking down a couple of walls and making the main programming area larger.  The addition on the street side will allow for a new staircase and elevator.”

The extensive construction contract is currently being reviewed by Leist and Town Attorney Jim Clevenger. 

The project is anticipated to begin this spring with plans to work around the summer schedule at the Culver Town Park with completion in the fall. 

The town of Culver received funding for the project through the Stellar Communities Designation Program through the state.