City Tavern Building Demolition Order Affirmed by Court of Appeals

The removal of what’s left of the former City Tavern Building can finally proceed, following a lengthy legal battle. Town Attorney Jim Clevenger shared the Indiana Court of Appeals’ finding during Tuesday’s town council meeting.

“A 24-page public opinion on our case, ‘Culver versus The 27 Group and Mr. Scotty VanHawk,’ and the Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court order for demolition!” Clevenger announced.

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Culver Clerk-Treasurer Issues Reminder about Spring Leaf and Branch Clean Up

As warmer weather starts to spread across the area over the next few weeks, many homeowners will likely begin clearing their yards of leaves and debris to spruce things up for springtime.

The Town of Culver is reminding residents that the street department is willing to remove leaves and branches that are piled at the curb as long as they follow a couple of rules.

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