Bremen Town Council Working on Budget

The Bremen Town Council members are gearing up for budget hearings.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy said the first reading on the budget will be during their next regular meeting on Monday, Aug. 27 at 4:30 p.m. at the Bremen Town Hall. The public hearing is set for Sept. 10 with the final reading set for Sept. 24.

Marshall County Election Board Reviews Absentee Voting Turnout

The members of the Marshall County Election Board were updated on early voting Wednesday morning. As of Wednesday morning, the clerk’s office recorded 135 travel board votes, 90 mail-in ballots and 428 walk-in votes. In the May Primary Election in 2016, there were over 1,100 total votes, but it was noted that it was a Presidential Election. The members are hoping that more voters turn out at the polls on Tuesday, May 8.

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