Bremen Town Council to Consider Property Annexation

The Bremen Town Council is considering annexing property into the city limits for an upcoming industrial expansion project.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy said the property is north of town between the U.S. 6 bypass and the town.

“There are about five parcels of property we’re talking about annexing and that’s coming up in the very near future,” said Weldy. “One of our big industrial companies has purchased some land there and we just want to incorporate all of that into the Town of Bremen.”

The town council is likely to have a proposed annexation agreement at a meeting in November.

Bremen Town Council Discussing Updating Codes and Ordinances

The Bremen Town Council is contemplating codifying ordinances to bring them to current standards.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy said they are overdue for updating.

“Our ordinance books and our code books are so far behind it’s not funny – we’re talking like 1980s and 1970s stuff that we’re trying to update and do some things with.”

No decisions were made during the council meeting Tuesday night. More discussions will be held at the next meeting on Monday, Oct. 23.

Bremen Town Council Discusses Budget

The Bremen Town Council approved the second reading on the proposed 2018 budget when the members met Monday night.

Director of Operations Trend Weldy said that one high ticket project is in the budget for next year.

“We do have some big coming in the pipe next year. We have a one-and-a-half million dollar lift station project that we’re talking about for the wastewater department. We may sale that down and make it into two projects.”

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Bremen Town Council Discusses Water Rate Ordinance

The Bremen Town Council may be raising the fire protection service rate on utility bills to take effect in 2018.

Director of Operations Trend Weldy said the rate increase will occur over three years.

“It’s a small increase,” stressed Weldy. “It will increase $1.10 a month starting in 2018, another $1.10 a month increase in 2019 and it’ll raise again $1.10 in 2020 to get up to where we need to be on our fire protection program.”

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Bremen Town Council Approves Contract for Ambulance Service

The Bremen Town Council approved a two-year contract for ambulance services in a special session last week.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy said three companies submitted bids. Lutheran Ambulance Service submitted the low bid. The current provider, Tri-County Ambulance, withdrew its bid after the town council’s meeting on Aug. 14 so the town will have a new service after more than 10 years. Elite Ambulance submitted the third bid.

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Bremen Town Council Opens Ambulance Service Bids

Bids for an ambulance service were opened during Monday’s Bremen Town Council meeting.

Director of Operations Trend Weldy told MAX 98.3 FM News that three service bids were received including one from the current provider. The town asked for three separate bids. One bid was for one ambulance full-time, another was for one-and-a-half and the other for two ambulances full-time. One company only bid on two of the services while the other two companies bid on all three.

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Bremen Town Council Approves Safest Town Resolution

The Bremen Town Council this week approved a resolution recognizing the town’s achievement of being named one of the top 20 safest cities in Indiana.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy told MAX 98.3 FM News that a celebration was held Wednesday night during the Farmer’s Market. The town council commended the police department, fire department, and EMS staff for keeping the area residents safe from harm.

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Bremen Council to Review Ambulance Bids in August

The Bremen Town Council members and the Ambulance Board members have sent a notice out to collect bids for a new ambulance service.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy said that the current EMS service will be given a 60-day notice around Aug. 1 in order for a new service to occupy the new building at 1237 Plymouth Street. He said the current company’s contract could be renewed if the company submits a bid approved by the town council.

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Town of Bremen to Receive Funding for Housing Project

The Town of Bremen will receive some grant funding to assist with a housing project in the southeast side of town.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy told MAX 98.3 FM news that Marshall County Economic Development Corporation Executive Director and CEO Jerry Chavez reported to the Bremen Town Council that the funding would come from Regional Cities. Weldy anticipates funds from $50,000 to $100,000 will help with the housing development in town. The development is also being financially supported by a private investor.

The Rolling Meadows housing project will develop 15 condos and single family homes. Three out of the 53 available lots have already been sold along with two condos.

Bremen Lift Station Project to Move Forward

The Bremen Town Council agreed to move ahead on the project to upgrade the town’s lift stations in the spring 2018.

The plan and design phase is the next step. The council members took action to get that paperwork started this week with the hopes of bidding out the project in November or December. A bid could be awarded in January.

According to Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy, the Bremen Redevelopment Commission previously guaranteed the funds for the lift station project. The anticipated cost is around $1 million to $1.5 million.

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Town of Bremen Acquires Property

The Town of Bremen is now focusing on work on the property at the corner of State Roads 106 and 331. The corner lot once housed a gas station.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy said preliminary plans call for the demolition and clean-up of the property.

“We’re getting ready to tear out the pumps, tanks, canopy, and the building to get rid of that eyesore,” said Weldy. “We’re going to have a conversation with the state about widening the corners there on highways 106 and 331 so semis can turn easier. We’re going to approach them if they want to work on that corner.”

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Bremen Town Council Looking to Hire EMS Service

The Bremen Town Council members are getting closer to the point to approve a contract for a new EMS service.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy said the current ambulance contract will expire this summer and the council will accept bids for a new ambulance service. The council will meet with the ambulance board next week to go over specifications for a new contract. A new ambulance company is expected to be in place this fall.

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Bremen Lift Station Project Funding Guaranteed

The Bremen Town Council recently met with the Bremen Redevelopment Commission to discuss funding for the replacement or improvement of 16 lift stations in the wastewater system.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy said the redevelopment commission has guaranteed the funding for the project which is anticipated to cost between $900,000 to $1 million.

The lift stations are approximately 40 to 50 years old and need to be upgraded. Nine are located in the town’s jurisdiction while seven are in TIF areas.

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