Refurbished Memorial Dedicated to ISP Motor Carrier Inspector

A new roadside memorial on U.S. 30 just east of Oak Road in Plymouth marks a life lost in that spot 20 years ago this month. Indiana State Police Master Motor Carrier Inspector Ralph “Ray” Reed had stopped to inspect a semi tractor-trailer and was struck and killed by an oncoming semi hauling cattle. He was the first ISP Motor Carrier Inspector to be killed in the line of duty. Continue reading

Back-to-School Vaccination Reminder

bewiseAre back-to-school vaccinations on your end of the summer to-do-list? If not, they should be. Regardless of what grade your child is going into, there are required immunizations they must receive or have listed on their medical records. The requirements and recommendations are in alignment with the routine vaccination schedules from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Continue reading

K9 Assists in Apprehension of Robbery Suspect

Officers from several area law enforcement agencies assisted in the apprehension of a man at a Koontz Lake residence on an out-of-county robbery warrant. They responded to a home in the 7700 block of Tippecanoe Drive this morning to arrest 30-year-old Cody Cooley on a warrant from Dearborn County. A news release from the Starke County Sheriff’s Office indicates they spotted him through a sliding door trying to hide in an upstairs closet. Continue reading

Town Officials Request Meeting with Marshall County Over Dispatch Costs

The Marshall County Commissioners reviewed community contract costs for 911 Dispatch services, but a communication mix-up caused quite a stir with Town officials.

The contracts were set-out in an attempt to define how computer systems and operations for the new system will work. The costs for paying that service were recommended to be split depending on the percentage of calls received.
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Retired Officer Receives Firearm Following Plymouth Ordinance Amendment

Ted Brown has been reunited with his service weapon.

He’s the Plymouth Police officer who retired after more than 20 years on the force to become Director of School Safety with the Plymouth School Corporation. As part of his retirement, Police Chief Dave Bacon recommended to the Plymouth Board of Works that Brown’s service weapon be deemed surplus property and gifted to him.
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Walorski Announces G.R.O.W. Tour

Congresswoman Jackie Walorski wants to hear how federal regulations have impacted farmers, business owners and manufacturers throughout her district. She’s launching a Get Regulation Out of the Way, or GROW, tour. Walorski cites a report from the American Action Forum that the Obama administration has issued more than 500 major federal regulations. They’ve cots taxpayers almost $2 trillion in compliance. A major regulation is anything expected to have a $100 million annual effect on the economy. Continue reading

American Red Cross Warns of a Looming Blood Shortage

b100dDuring the summer months, the American Red Cross and other blood banks see a sharp decline in the amount of donors at their blood drives. On average during the summer months, about two fewer donors give blood at each Red Cross drive than what is needed. It if for this reason that the American Red Cross is urging all eligible donors to pitch in an help prevent a blood shortage. Continue reading

Lighthouse Autism Center Shines a Beacon of Hope Locally

LighthouseAutism is defined by the Autism Society of America as a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects a child’s ability to communicate and interact with others. Autism is characterized by a certain set of behaviors and is a “spectrum disorder” that affects individuals differently and to varying degrees.

No one child or family is identically affected, however, something that does exist across the board are all the various responsibilities that come with being the parent of a child diagnosed with Autism. As overwhelming as it can potentially be, all you need to know is that you don’t have to do it alone. Places exists that can assist and that is exactly what the Lighthouse Autism Center offers, help and assistance. Continue reading

Share the Road With School Buses, Students

School is back in session this week for students in several local corporations. Motorists are reminded to be alert and aware near bus stops and places where youngsters may walk or ride bicycles to or from school.

Indiana Department of Homeland Security spokesman John Erickson says drivers need to slow down and be extra alert for children who are closer to streets. He notes youngsters aren’t good at judging vehicle speeds and may try to cross streets too close to oncoming vehicles. Also Erickson says children listening to music on headsets and playing games on hand-held electronic devices may not be as aware of their surroundings. Continue reading

Prices at the Pump Projected to Keep Decreasing

The national average price at the pump is lower at the start of August than it was at the beginning of July. GasBuddy Senior Petroleum Analyst Patrick DeHaan accounts the decreased prices to an overall dip in crude-oil costs. He says the cost of crude-oil has gone down due to the abundance of crude-oil being supplied. Indiana is averaging at $2.47 a gallon, offering lowering prices than our neighboring states of Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. Continue reading

IRS May Need More Information Due to Affordable Care Act

The IRS may need more information from some income tax filers this year due to provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Taxpayers who signed up for coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace chose to either have advance payments of the premium tax credit paid directly to their insurance provider in order to reduce their premiums throughout the year or to get their assistance at tax time as a premium tax credit. Continue reading