Plymouth RDC Presents Annual Presentation for Overlapping Taxing Units

A new state requirement calls for Redevelopment Commissions throughout the state to provide an annual snapshot of TIF Districts for the overlapping taxing units.  The overlapping taxing units may be county government, schools, or other facilities that are affected by TIF Funds.  The Plymouth RDC presented the report to those entities Tuesday night. 

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Culver-Union Township Fire Department Continues to Take Fire Truck Donations

Even though the purchase of an aerial fire truck was approved for the Culver-Union Township Fire Department, the firefighters continue to collect donations to close a small funding gap to fully fund the purchase.

The Rosenbauer 100-foot low-profile Viper Aerial Fire Truck will be purchased at a price of about $1,008,000.  The funds are coming from the Town of Culver, Union Township, Culver Academies, and as many as 125 donors.

Fire Chief Terry Wakefield previously said the aerial truck will replace a 1996 pumper truck.  The pumper truck will be sold after receipt of the aerial truck.

There is about $37,500 that still needs to be raised to assist in the goal. 

For more information, contact (574) 842-3516.