Culver-Union Township Fire Department Continues to Take Fire Truck Donations

Even though the purchase of an aerial fire truck was approved for the Culver-Union Township Fire Department, the firefighters continue to collect donations to close a small funding gap to fully fund the purchase.

The Rosenbauer 100-foot low-profile Viper Aerial Fire Truck will be purchased at a price of about $1,008,000.  The funds are coming from the Town of Culver, Union Township, Culver Academies, and as many as 125 donors.

Fire Chief Terry Wakefield previously said the aerial truck will replace a 1996 pumper truck.  The pumper truck will be sold after receipt of the aerial truck.

There is about $37,500 that still needs to be raised to assist in the goal. 

For more information, contact (574) 842-3516.