Plans for Monterey School Building Sale Clear Another Hurdle

Monterey School BuildingThe Culver Community Schools Corporation’s path to selling the Monterey School Building has suddenly gotten a bit easier. Last month, school corporation attorney Jeff Houin told the school board the building would have to be registered with the Indiana Department of Education, which would place it on a statewide list of unused buildings. The idea there is to give potential charter schools a chance to lease the building. Continue reading

Marshall County Plans Training in Face of Internal Controls Requirements

Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Deb Griewank, Kevin Overmyer and Kurt Garner
Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Deb Griewank, Kevin Overmyer and Kurt Garner

Marshall County has decided to implement a system of financial controls at the encouragement of state statute.

County Attorney Jim Clevenger says the Indiana General Assembly requested the State Board of Accounts to come up with the new standards. The policies – which are to be adopted at the local level – are designed to hopefully prevent mismanagement of government funds, even delving into the possibility of criminal actions.
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Local “American Pickers” Episode to Air Tonight

American Pickers 2The “American Pickers” episode featuring a Marshall County man is scheduled to air tonight on The History Channel. The show’s hosts, Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz, were in the area last fall and spent the day with a colorful local character going through is treasures. They include everything from automobiles and memorabilia to collections of hula girls and mannequins. Continue reading

Greater Analysis Expected with Future Sheriff’s Department Camera Upgrade

SheriffThe Marshall County Sheriff’s Department will be getting an upgrade to some equipment used to interview possible suspects.

During Monday morning’s County Commissioners meeting, Sheriff Matt Hassel and Prosecutor Nelson Chipman presented information about the upgrades. Currently, the system used by Marshall County to interview individuals associated with crimes relies on the use of cameras.
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Additional HIV Cases Prompt Public Health Warning

HealthAdditional HIV cases in southern Indiana have prompted a warning from the Indiana Department of Health about risky behavior. The four new cases bring the total number of people who have tested positive for HIV to 188. State officials say the outbreak has been linked to shared needles among injection drug users. All of the newly diagnosed cases are contacts of cases previously identified in the outbreak, according to health department officials. Continue reading