Lieutenant Governor Discusses Next Level Veterans Initiative with Culver Officials

Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch meets with Culver officials and Stellar project partners before touring projects

Indiana is looking to the military to help boost its workforce. Earlier this year, the state launched its Next Level Veterans initiative to try to entice those leaving the military to move to Indiana. Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch discussed the program during her visit to Culver last week.

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Lieutenant Governor Visits Culver’s Sand Hill Farms Housing Development

Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch and Sand Hill Farms Developer Kevin Berger

Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch got an update on the progress of Culver’s Sand Hill Farms workforce housing development Thursday. Developer Kevin Berger gave the lieutenant governor and several town officials a tour of the construction site. “We have a lot of part-time residents here, and it has just kind of pushed out the workforce,” Berger told Crouch. “Our biggest employer for workers is Elkay cabinet manufacturing, and less than 50 percent of their 300-plus workers even live in Marshall County.”

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Culver School Board May Consider Change to Cavalier Sports Park Funding Mechanism

A technical change is being considered for Culver’s proposed Cavalier Sports Park. The project would upgrade a piece of property owned by the Culver Community Schools Corporation that’s currently used for youth soccer fields, as one of the town’s Stellar Communities projects. Planned improvements include restrooms, a concession stand, a walking trail, and more parking.

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Culver School Board Accepts Donations for Reading Program, Costa Rica Trip

Some Culver Community Schools programs will be getting a boost, thanks to a pair of donations accepted by the school board Monday. “Culver’s Lions Club gave the Spanish Club $500 for their Costa Rica trip, and the Culver PTO has given both $500 to the elementary and then to the middle school reading program,” explained Superintendent Karen Shuman.

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Culver School Board Approves Elementary School Book Rental Fees

The Culver School Board finalized elementary school book rental fees for the upcoming school year Monday. Fees will vary depending on grade level. Second grade will be the lowest at $84, while kindergarten will be highest at $123. Superintendent Karen Shuman said those amounts include book rental as well as other expenses throughout the course of the school year.  Continue reading