Culver School Board May Consider Change to Cavalier Sports Park Funding Mechanism

A technical change is being considered for Culver’s proposed Cavalier Sports Park. The project would upgrade a piece of property owned by the Culver Community Schools Corporation that’s currently used for youth soccer fields, as one of the town’s Stellar Communities projects. Planned improvements include restrooms, a concession stand, a walking trail, and more parking.

To allow those upgrades to happen, the Culver School Board had approved a recreation easement agreement. But during last week’s board meeting, Superintendent Karen Shuman said Stellar program officials are now recommending a different approach. “They wanted some language changed and then offered a recommendation that instead of doing an easement, as a school corporation, we just become a sub-recipient of the Stellar monies, which then takes away all the need to grant the easement,” she explained.

Shuman said the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs has provided some suggested language. It’s now being reviewed by the school corporation’s attorney, before the school board decides on the proposed changes.