Speed Limit Change Approved on Webster Avenue

The speed limit on Webster Avenue in Plymouth is going to change. The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety approved a request last week to lower the speed limit.

Several residents signed a document asking for the reduction of speed as children and residents attend functions at the Webster Center and motorists have been seen speeding down the road. The speed limit is 30 mph, but neighbors in the area report much higher speeds. Drivers also rev engines to get up to that speed and faster as they travel down the road which disturbs neighbors.

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Shredding Truck to Consume Parking Spots on Garro Street

The Plymouth Board of Public Works ratified an executive order last week to allow a shredding truck to park in three parking spaces in front of the Mayor’s office.

The order allows parking spaces on Garro Street to be used for the action of shredding old documents approved for destruction by the Marshall County Commission of Public Records and the Indiana Archives and Records and Administration.

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Lake Maxinkuckee Amphitheater Project Closer to Construction

The Lake Maxinkuckee Amphitheater project in Culver is nearing the construction phase.

Town Manager Jonathan Leist told the Culver Town Council members last week that $47,501 was transferred from the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority for this project. The town was able to get a $30,000 state grant along with additional online crowdfunding for the project. That money, along with the first half of the Marshall County Community Foundation grant, will allow the council to move forward with the construction phase.

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INDOT to Award Community Crossing Grants This Fall

Local and county government agency officials are waiting patiently to learn if their road projects will be accepted for grant funds through the state’s Community Crossings grant program.

The competition for grant funds ramped up this year as the state dropped the local match requirement for all applications to 25 percent. Several more municipalities and city government agencies were able to submit requests this year as the local match made a $1 million grant more affordable for some.

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School Schedules Affect Sleeping Schedules

Many school corporations welcome students into the 2017-2018 school year this week which means students’ sleep schedules will be changing. Nearly 8 in 10 Indiana high school students sleep less than the recommended eight hours on school nights.

According to Pediatric Sleep Specialist Dr. Sarah Honaker, a change in internal body clocks makes it difficult for many teens to fall asleep before 11 p.m. or midnight. Decreased sleep associated with rising early and later bedtimes can lead to dangerous consequences.

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Bremen HCI Holds Community Meeting

The members of the Bremen Hometown Collaboration Initiative (HCI) held a community meeting Thursday night to gather opinions from residents about what improvements they’d like to see within the town.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy said about 100 people packed the Bremen High School to deliver options to the committee. Weldy said placemaking, economy and leadership were the three main topics discussed during this forum. Downtown revitalization and streetscapes were highlighted.

The members will analyze which one of the three to focus on and start planning and look for grant funding. According to the Bremen HCI website, Bremen can grow by expanding housing, growing with commercial economic development, and building on local traditions.

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Contractor Approved for Richter Water Main Extension

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety approved the contact of Haskins Underground to complete the water main extension project on Richter Road.

The company submitted the lowest bid at $124,605.

The water main extension project will improve fire protection and water quality. The plans call for better connectivity by looping the water connections from Baker Street down to Richter Road and then reconnecting at Jefferson and Warana.

Culver Town Council Discusses Crosswalks

The Culver Town Council will be looking at an ordinance that reviews the enforcement of the brick-paved crosswalks in town.

There are several crosswalks on Lake Shore Drive and on Main Street that are designated by a brick walkway. Residents are concerned about confusion between drivers and pedestrians as to which party has the right-of-way and if they are a legal crosswalk.

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Watch for School Buses as School Begins

The start of school is upon us as a few school corporations begin their new school year next week.

When school buses are on the roads picking up children for school or dropping them off after school, Indiana State Police troopers remind drivers to stop when a school bus displays flashing lights and stop arms, even on multiple lane highways. Motorists who are on a highway that is divided by a barrier or unimproved median are required to stop only if they are traveling in the same direction as the school bus. If there is a divided highway without a barrier or unimproved median, all drivers in all directions must stop. Continue reading

Walkerton Man Arrested after Altercation

Aaron Sneed

A Walkerton man was arrested Wednesday evening after allegedly threatening another person.

Marshall County Sheriff’s deputies were called to a home on Plymouth-LaPorte Trail after a call came in about a confrontation. Police say Aaron C. Sneed, 25, was talking with a 34-year-old man when the conversation turned hostile. Sneed allegedly displayed a handgun during the altercation and threatened the person’s life before leaving the property.

Sneed was later arrested and faces preliminary charges of intimidation with a deadly weapon, carrying a handgun without a license and driving while suspended. He is being held in the Marshall County Jail on a $3,000 bond.

City Attorney Updates Council on City Building Renovation Project

Plymouth City Building

Plymouth City Attorney Sean Surrisi updated the city council members this week on the progress of the renovations of the city building and the chamber of commerce building.

Bids were opened during the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission meeting last week. The lowest bid was submitted by Michiana Contracting for a total of $2,198,700.

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Culver Town Council Receives Stellar Update

Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist updated the Culver Town Council this week on work being done toward being designated a stellar community with the Stellar Communities Designation Program.

Leist said he and Utility Superintendent Bob Porter met with Marshall County Highway Supervisor Jason Peters to review details for the walking/biking trail. The Marshall County Commissioners agreed to pave one mile of the walking/biking trail as an in-kind contribution for this project within the town’s Stellar plan.

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Bremen Town Council Approves Safest Town Resolution

The Bremen Town Council this week approved a resolution recognizing the town’s achievement of being named one of the top 20 safest cities in Indiana.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy told MAX 98.3 FM News that a celebration was held Wednesday night during the Farmer’s Market. The town council commended the police department, fire department, and EMS staff for keeping the area residents safe from harm.

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Plymouth Fire Department Responds to Industrial Fire

The Plymouth Fire Department responded to a fire at AK Industries this morning.

According to Plymouth Fire Chief Rod Miller, the fire was contained to the room where it started. Miller said resin caught fire by an electrical static charge. The fire was quickly extinguished.

One employee was treated for smoke inhalation. No other injuries were reported.

No Trial Date Set Yet in Case of Vincent Carnegie

Vincent Carnegie

A trial date has not been set yet for a Plymouth man suspected of holding a woman against her will and brandishing a handgun threatening to kill himself and pointing that weapon at police.

On Friday, May 26, Vincent Carnegie allegedly forced a woman from her home in the 11,000 block of Michigan Street and later hid from police in a tree line at a location on King Road. He was reportedly hiding after hearing police were looking for him over the scanner.

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Plymouth Utility Projects Coming Along

Several ongoing projects with the Plymouth Utility Department are on schedule.

Utility Superintendent Donnie Davidson reported to the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety that the wastewater treatment plant is about 70 percent complete. Process equipment start-up was successful and the next major phase is going on this week. The company is ahead of schedule and will be substantially complete by November.

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