Plymouth Airport Manager Addresses Hazard Regarding Geese

Plymouth Airport Manager Bill Sheley asked the city council this week for an exception in its firearm laws in order to address the hazards geese pose at the airport.

He noted that the birds cause a serious danger to aircraft due to the possibility of a mid-air collision. Sheley said the airport has maintained a federal migratory bird depredation permit for several years. The permit allows the airport manager to eliminate the threat of geese. Sheley said he is unable to take any geese as the airport is in the city limits and there is an ordinance regulating the discharge of firearms in the city limits.

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EMA Director Requests Additional Appropriation

Marshall County EMA Director Clyde Avery asked the county council for an additional appropriation to pay for the contractor who helped with updating the Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Avery explained that the contract is for $16,656.06. The invoice will be paid and Avery said he will submit the necessary paperwork to the Department of Homeland Security for reimbursement. The plan is renewable every five years. Continue reading

Culver Town Council Accepts Street Deed of Dedication

Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist presented the town council this week with a deed of dedication for the streets for the Sandhill Farm workforce development housing project.

The proposed housing project will be constructed on W. Jefferson Street. The streets in the project may be extended as needed. The housing development will include 24 apartment units. It is part of the town’s Stellar Communities Designation Program application.

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Two Injured in Plymouth Accident

Two drivers were injured in a semi and passenger car accident at the intersection of U.S. 30 and Oak Road late Wednesday night.

When emergency personnel arrived at the scene, they found a passenger car driven by Jade N. Sorba, 23, of Monterey, on the north side embankment on U.S. 30. Police say a semi driven by Foster Providence, 68, of Brooklyn, New York, was in an empty field east of Arby’s.

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Urban Chicken Ownership Request Submitted to Plymouth City Council

The Plymouth City Council received a request to allow urban chickens on properties within the city limits.

The current city ordinance prohibits chickens in city limits.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi said there were some property owners years ago who housed chickens on their property and the ordinance had to be enforced. It was then when a similar request came before the council, but several residents complained about having them in the city.

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Culver Town Council Establishes Economic Development Commission

The Culver Town Council approved the formation of the Culver Economic Development Commission.

A public hearing on the matter was held Tuesday night where a question about the purpose of the commission was raised. Town Council President Ginny Bess Munroe explained that the commission would be able to deem a residential project eligible for tax abatement. She further explained that a residential tax abatement differs from a commercial tax abatement, but the financial incentive is the same. A recommendation for a residential tax abatement has to be presented by the commission to the town council for approval.

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Seven Building Permits Issued for Bremen Housing Projects

A contractor and a homeowner were recently granted seven building permits and those projects will be starting soon in Bremen.

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy said construction will be starting this fall on South Jackson Street. Condos and spec homes will be built in the area. Three will be built to start with more to be constructed once the completed homes are sold.

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Five Vehicles Caught up in Crash in Downtown Plymouth

Five vehicles were involved in a chain reaction car accident at the intersection of North Michigan Street and Jefferson Street in Plymouth on Monday afternoon.

Plymouth police say Carolyn Woolley of Plymouth was traveling west on Jefferson Street when she entered the intersection of Michigan Street and collided with a vehicle driven by Beth Baker of Knox as she was stopped in the eastbound lane. Woolley and Baker met in a head-on crash which caused a chain reaction with damage sustained to two other cars. Woolley tried to back up and hit a fifth vehicle.

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Culver Town Council Supports Petition Against Proposed J-Turns

The Culver Town Council members are in support of a petition against INDOT’s proposed J-turn intersection at U.S. 31 and State Road 10 and Dewey Street and another at U.S. 31 and State Road 110.

The J-turn intersection would not allow a vehicle to turn left at a crossroad. Instead, the driver has to travel quite a distance in order to turn left, or the opposite direction to go back past the crossroad to turn left again to the desired location. INDOT feels that the construction would create a safer way for traffic to maneuver.

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Safe Routes to School Project to begin in Plymouth Today

The Safe Routes to School project on Baker Street by the Plymouth schools.

New sidewalks, curbs and gutters will be installed to allow for a better walking path for students on their way to the schools. The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety previously approved a bid for just over $300,000 for the project. The city’s share of that is approximately $61,000.

City Engineer Rick Gaul and Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt are going to stress that the contractors from Northern Indiana Contractors stay off the street while they’re working or else they won’t get much done. They will be able to work off the side of the street. Gaul said rush hour traffic in the morning and afternoon may delay the project if the crews don’t heed the advice.

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Bremen Town Council Discusses Budget

The Bremen Town Council approved the second reading on the proposed 2018 budget when the members met Monday night.

Director of Operations Trend Weldy said that one high ticket project is in the budget for next year.

“We do have some big coming in the pipe next year. We have a one-and-a-half million dollar lift station project that we’re talking about for the wastewater department. We may sale that down and make it into two projects.”

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Shady Rest Committee Considers Proposals for Occupancy at County Home

Shady Rest Home

The committee overseeing the potential future operations of the Shady Rest Home met Tuesday afternoon to review four proposals that were submitted to offer services out of the county home.

The committee had proposals from Save the Old Properties, or S.T.O.P., Prairie View Adult Services, Gregg Erickson, and Glenn Peterson. The four offered services ranging from an intergenerational community, wellness and addiction recovery services.

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Del Monte Foods to Close its Doors in Plymouth

One of the nation’s largest producers of branded food products is closing its operations in Plymouth.

According to information released Tuesday from Del Monte Foods, the Plymouth facility will close Feb. 1, 2018. Del Monte Foods Chief Operating Officer Dave Meyers said the plant has been a fixture in the Plymouth community for 35 years. He added that the company appreciates the work of the dedicated employees and the many years of community support.

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Marshall County Council Cuts Budget

The Marshall County Council members worked to cut $444,420 from the budget when they met Monday morning.

The total budget to be advertised is just over $25 million for all funds. The General Fund totals $12,798,016. The assessor’s office will have a $12,000 reduction as the members thought the pay increase budgeted was over the three percent recommendation, and a full-time position in the prosecutor’s office was omitted as the request was not before the council. That money was transferred to a part-time line item.

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Plymouth City Council Approves Building Lease

Plymouth City Building

The Plymouth City Council discussed a lease in order to house the mayor’s office and the clerk-treasurer’s office while the city building renovation project is in progress.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi explained that the offices were going to stay in the city building during the project. However, during a pre-construction meeting with the contractors it was felt that moving the offices would be the most effective way to get the project done in a timely manner.

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Culver Town Council to Meet Tonight

The Culver Town Council will hold a public hearing on an ordinance that establishes the Culver Economic Development Commission. The three-member commission will be formed to consider a residential tax abatement in the proposed workforce housing development. One appointment will be made by the town council president, one from the town council and one from the county council.

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