Marshall County Commissioners Discuss Purdue Extension Contractual Services Agreement

The Marshall County Commissioners acted on the Purdue Extension Contractual Services Agreement Monday morning.

The county has a contract for services which is in the amount of about $128,000 which covers Ag and Natural Resources services, Health and Human Services, Community Wellness Director, and 4-H and Youth Development.

The commissioners had tabled the agreement last month in an effort to resolve several issues. The issues at hand are 4-H services and the lack of a full-time 4-H educator and the presence of extension staff at the fair.

Purdue Extension Area 8 Director and Area 10 Interim Director and Extension Liaison for 4-H Josh Winrotte previously there is a pattern of educators not staying employed long in Marshall County. Since 2014, there have been about five different educators.

At the top of the discussion Monday morning, Winrotte presented Commission President Stan Klotz with a check.

“Stan, what I just brought you is a $10,000 refund from last year’s contractual services as a show of good faith from Purdue Extension acknowledging that we had not been as complete in services last year as you all had asked us to be,” said Winrotte. “It’s just an offering back of the contractual services that you guys had paid last year in service of the educator’s work here in the county.”

Winrotte further stated that the hunt is underway for a full-time educator for Marshall County. He said an offer is expected to be extended this week with a person occupying the office this spring.

Commissioner Kevin Overmyer made the comment that it looks like things are headed in the right direction. Commissioner Michael Burroughs thanked the current staff for their efforts, the volunteerism and supporting 4-H in the county. They were also appreciative of the refund presented.

A motion was made by Commissioner Overmyer to approve the contract which was seconded by Commissioner Burroughs and it passed with a unanimous vote. The refund check was also formally accepted with a motion that was unanimously passed.