The Culver Town Council members received an update regarding input into the town’s Comprehensive Plan.
Culver Community School Corporation Superintendent Karen Shuman, who is a member of the Culver Crossroads committee, presented some information collected from the teams within the committee, as well as public input.
Shuman said the committee divided into teams which focused on Culver as a Destination, Arts and Culture, Quality of Place, Quality of People, Infrastructure, and Business Development.
A summary included goals, networking, and strategies.
During public engagement, Shuman said votes were cast to help the committee narrow down the goals even further. Shuman highlighted some of those items based on votes submitted by the public.
Residents would like to see Culver increase the quality of town-wide events to make the town a year-round destination. Other top choices include the creation of an arts center for artists to gather to work and teach; clean up blighted properties, underdeveloped properties, and underutilized properties and spaces throughout town; increase the quality of healthcare options; enhance natural resources; increase park and recreational amenities; offer attractive and diverse housing choices; attract and retain the workforce; maintain a comprehensive system of roads and trails for regional mobility; maintain quality of standard for emergency services; increase support for local business owners and entrepreneurs; and attract and retain commercial and residential businesses.
From there, the committee formed the Core Values and the next step is to complete a narrative document which is being written. Once it is completed, it will be posted on the town’s website and then the public will be given the opportunity to review it for the final draft. The full document is anticipated to be before the Culver Town Council by January for member approval after review by the Culver Plan Commission.