Marshall County Highway Department Superintendent, Commissioners Discuss Truck Traffic on County Bridge

Marshall County Highway Department Superintendent Jason Peters said an engineer from USI will be looking at Bridge No. 14 on 2B Road as increased semi truck traffic has brought some concern on that bridge. 

The increase in traffic on that county road is due to an Indiana Department of Transportation culvert replacement project on U.S. 6 and truck drivers are utilizing that road as a quicker route rather than the official route posted by the Indiana Department of Transportation.  The official route follows state roads which better support truck traffic as the road infrastructure is able to handle heavy vehicles. 

Commission President Stan Klotz said he and Peters were out at that timber bridge structure last week and several heavy trucks went over the bridge and it was rattling.  He noted that the bridge looks solid, but some wedges were shaken out of it.  Klotz wants to have off-duty officers to patrol that area.  He plans to go before the Marshall County Council to discuss paying the officers for this purpose.