Marshall County Commissioners Adopt Fees for Building Permits

The Marshall County Commissioners took action Monday morning to adopt an ordinance that would increase fees for building permits in Marshall County.

Plan Director Ty Adley presented the amendments to the commissioners during their May 15 meeting as developed by the Planning Commission and BZA.

Adley noted during a public hearing that the fees will assist the department in better covering administrative costs as they had not been addressed in about a decade.  He stressed that those pursuing projects should bare the costs of the permits and not subsidized by taxpayer funds. 

This ordinance addresses that purpose. 

He added the Planning Commission made some adjustments with the rezoning costs, and updated vacation and waiver request costs. Major and minor subdivision permit fees are being adjusted which includes Planned Unit Development.   On the BZA side, all application permit fees will be updated including the solar farm application, and a fee to the flood hazard variance.

The fee adjustments were adjusted based on analysis of rates and schedules from several surrounding counties.  Some adjustments are small, while others take a large jump.  

The commissioners unanimously approved the second and third readings of the ordinance during their meeting Monday.  The ordinance will be advertised with the approved adjustments and it will go into effect August 1.