Marshall County Commissioners Review Sheriff’s Purchase Requests

The Marshall County Commissioners considered a couple of requests from Sheriff Matt Hassel Monday morning.

Prior to his presentation, Sheriff Hassel said the updates to the console radio system are complete.

“We are still waiting on them to place the back-up radio system in the EMA Office and hopefully that will happen in the next month or two,” said Sheriff Hassel.  “We also have put all new computers, except for the 911 computers, in the Dispatch Center.  Also, the new closed circuit TV system along with the intercom system is being installed now in the jail.”

With that, Sheriff Hassel asked to replace the flooring in the Dispatch Center.  He said the best quote that he received was from Bob’s Carpet Service in LaPaz for $6,163. 

He also asked to replace the desks in the Radio and Main Control. 

Hassel stated, “These desks, especially the ones in dispatch, allow them to stand or sit or be in between if they wish.  The desks that we have became inoperable and we tried to get replacement parts for it and they’re no longer available.  It’s end of life.”

Hassel said the company Evans was the best in terms of what dispatchers found to be the most comfortable. He explained that they traveled to the new Dispatch Center in Fulton County to see what the desks are like that were just installed there.  It was not the lowest quote, but there were some added maintenance and the desks will be customized to fit what the needs are in Marshall County.  The estimate from Evans is for $136,663.50. 

Both quotes were approved with unanimous votes.