Plymouth Redevelopment Commission Members Receive Update on Solar Project

The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission received an update on the Wastewater Treatment Facility’s new solar energy project last week.

Plymouth Utility Superintendent Donnie Davidson commented that it is up and running.

Davidson said, “On February 9, four of the five inverters were commissioned.  The following day, February 10, the two-way meter was installed by NIPSCO.  Later on that afternoon the unit was turned on and we were producing electricity.  During a couple of bright, sunny days we were actually going in the other way.  We were producing more than what we were using.”

Since the unit was initiated, crews have been back to troubleshoot some issues.  They are also in the process of installing the communication cable so officials, and the general public, can view the operation of the solar project. Davidson is working to get a display screen on the city’s website for the public to see how everything works.