Marshall County Sheriff Discusses Personnel Topics with Marshall County Council

Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel discussed with the Marshall County Council last week moving his employees who work 35 and 37.5 hours a week to 40 hour work weeks. 

“In 2021, we had a staffing study by the Indiana Sheriff’s Association and the study came in 2022 after the 2022 budget was already set, so I applied for it under the 2023 budget. My thought was it’s cheaper to extend the existing hours of your employees, because they’re not working 40 now, than it is to hire a new employee and have to pay all of those benefits on top of the new employee. We’re already paying the benefits for the employee that’s working 37.5 hours.”

Overall, it would affect 44 employees.  The cost would be emailed to the council members to review prior to their next meeting in March.

In another matter, Sheriff Hassel explained that there are more Turnkey/Dispatch civilians than Merit Police Officers and he noted it would be beneficial to have a fourth supervisor which would be a Turnkey/Dispatch Sergeant. 

Council President Jesse Bohannon suggested that Sheriff Hassel take the conversations to the Job Description Committee to discuss it for a recommendation to the council.