Marshall County Council to Consider Additional Appropriation in Thursday Meeting

Marshall County Council (L to R) Jim Masterson, Nicole Cox, Jesse Bohannon, Deborah Johnson, Will Patterson, Tim Harman, Adam Faulstich

The Marshall County Council members reviewed an additional appropriation request last week concerning the re-appropriation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for the Marshall County Highway Department.

The ARPA funds were simply not spent in 2022 for about $489,000 for Highway Material, just over $10,000 in Highway Professional Services and nearly $85,000 in Highway Equipment.  The funds were requested to be spent in 2023 and the necessary paperwork was filed and it was published. 

In a point of order, Auditor Angie Birchmeier explained to the council that it was requested by County Attorney Jim Clevenger that the Marshall County Commissioners actually approve the re-appropriation before the council approve it to provide a proper paper trail for audit purposes. The commissioners are anticipated to discuss it this morning (Tuesday, January 17).

Birchmeier noted that if the council wanted to approve it since it has been properly advertised, they could do that contingent upon the commissioners’ approval.

Councilman Tim Harman suggested that the council simply recess the meeting in order to take up the matter following the commissioners meeting to ensure that they approve that funding for the Highway Department.  That would also give the council time to discuss it with an attorney. 

The council agreed to recess the meeting. Council President Jesse Bohannon called the meeting to return from recess Thursday, January 19 at 1 p.m. ET in the second floor meeting room (Room 203) in the Marshall County Building at 112 W. Jefferson Street in Plymouth.