Culver Town Council Holds Public Hearing on Annexation Proposal

The Culver Town Council members held a public hearing Tuesday night concerning the proposed annexation of 18710 Tamarack Road in Union Township.

Beachview Properties, LLC filed the petition for annexation for the purposes of gathering utilities for the construction of executive storage for RVs, boats and miscellaneous property. 

The 4.5 acre property is currently zoned C-2 and it will continue with the same zoning with this project. 

There was a question about the maintenance of Tamarack Road going south of this annexed property and it will remain under the jurisdiction of Marshall County.  There was also a question about the amenities involved with this project, especially with climate control, which could provoke overnight stays.  Burke Richeson, representing Beachview Properties, LLC, said it will be a condition of a tenant’s lease that overnight stays are not allowed.  If that type of activity is observed, that tenant could be evicted. 

The executive storage facilities will be gated. 

There were no other public comments offered and the public hearing was closed.

The first reading of the annexation ordinance was tabled until the first meeting in February as a resolution was provided by Town Attorney Jim Clevenger to go with the ordinance that is lengthy.  Delaying action will allow the council members more time to read through it and make an informed decision Tuesday, February 14.