Argos Town Council Appoints Plan Commission Members, Approves SRO Agreement

ARGOS — Town Attorney Derek Jones updated the council regarding the request from George Null to serve on the Plan Commission. Prior to his departure from the council, Null had served on the Plan Commission as a member of government.  

“He was what we would call an official member meaning that he was in town government. He’s no longer in town government, but he is still willing to serve on the Plan Commission. So, he is interested in serving as what we call a citizen member,” Jones said, adding that Null fits the qualifications of residing inside corporate boundaries and that there are no more than two members of the same political party if Null was appointed. The position is an appointment by the President of the Town Council.  

Town Council President Charles Randy Snead appointed Null to that position on the Plan Commission. 

With Null serving as a citizen member, the position of official member is vacant. Council Member Gary Schue had shown interest in there. The official member position is an appointment from the Board of Trustees. 

The town council voted unanimously, with Schue abstaining, to appoint Schue to the Plan Commission. 

Jones stated that there is still an opening on the Town’s Park Board. If anyone is interested in that position, they should send a letter of interest to the Argos Clerk’s Office at 201 W. Walnut Street. 

Jones then touched on the School Resource Officer agreement between the Argos School Board and the Town Council.  

Town Economic Director Mark VanDerWeele told the council that the school board had approved the contract during its latest meeting. Council Member Ed Barcus made a motion to approve the signing of the SRO agreement with Argos Community Schools. The motion was approved unanimously.  

Finally, the cemetery mowing contract for the year was discussed. Specifically, the specifications that will be let out to bid. 

“We kind of need to get on this because this contract starts, believe it or not, April 15 which will be here sooner than you think, and we have to publish this twice,” Jones said. 

He went on to say that bids would need to be submitted by Feb. 13. Those submitted bids would be looked at during the Feb. 15 meeting. Those bids could then be awarded during the March 1 meeting. 

The council approved proceeding with the bidding process Jones outlined.