Argos Town Council Holds Additional Appropriations Public Hearing

Article submitted by James Master, Managing Editor of The Pilot News

The Argos Town Council held a public hearing during their last meeting regarding additional appropriations.

Once the public hearing was opened, Clerk-Treasurer Lisa Mullaney explained to the council that $160,000 that the town is spending in the General Fund from the cash reserves. A total of $100,000 will be going toward paying the remainder of the Downtown Square Project while $60,000 will be set aside due to the cemetery mowing contract increasing. She added that the cost of the cemetery mowing wasn’t the only thing that increased.

“The park went a little bit over, the police is a little bit over. I mean, we are a little bit over in a lot of spots. Everything went up this year, it was not budgeted for. Health insurance being included in that,” said Mullaney.

“I think most of the overrun is probably related to fuel cost anyway,” Vice-President Shawn Harley commented.

“Some of it was just contracts,” Mullaney replied. “They came back higher than we anticipated.”

There was no public comment so the public hearing was closed.

Later on in the meeting, the town council approved a resolution approving the additional appropriations.