Marshall County Courthouse to Display Green Lighting in Remembrance of Veterans

Photo provided by The Pilot News

The lights around the Marshall County Courthouse will be shining green this week in remembrance of veterans.

Marshall County Commission President Kevin Overmyer made the announcement during Monday’s commissioners meeting.

“We had Doug [Masterson, Marshall County Buildings and Grounds Director] change all of the light bulbs,” said Overmyer. “We’re going to shut the lights off in the yard so the courthouse will be lighted in green for the whole week. On that note, a couple of weeks ago on Saturday Jim DeWitt from Culver, who was a World War II veteran at Pearl Harbor, passed away.  He was 101.  I just wanted to recognize him for his service. It was an honor to have him recognized here today.”

In addition to that announcement, Overmyer stated that St. Joseph Regional Medical Center urgent care will be working out of the Walkerton location throughout the rest of the year and it will be there where county employees will go if there is a workman’s comp claim. If there is nobody there, then they must go to the emergency room.

Overmyer stated he went to DOT STOP in Plymouth where the employees will be going for those services from now on. Human Resources Administrator Ann Anglin supplied the company with the information needed and no contract is required.  Overmyer stated he wanted to keep that particular service local for the workers.