Marshall County Sheriff Asks Commissioners to Approve Contract, Memorandum of Understanding

Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel asked the commissioners last week to approve an addendum proposal from Ritter Services to evaluate service tasks at the Sheriff’s Department.

This is in response to several complaints filed by emergency response teams in the county concerning equipment and dispatching issues. 

Hassel said company representatives will look at Standard Operating Procedures, analyze the training program, and do a radio needs assessment. 

Hassel commented, “Hopefully, we get a true and accurate understanding of what it’s going to take to finally build the system to where it’s going to work and if this is the system we want to stay on.”

Hassel said he would need to go before the Marshall County Council for an additional appropriation to pay for the evaluation at $53,100 out of the LIT fund. 

The final report would be available in February, unless there is an emergent need to address. 

The commissioners approved the proposal with a unanimous vote.

Additionally, the sheriff presented a Memorandum of Understanding with Mid American Health, Inc. Dental Services.

“In my conference with the jail personnel, the current dentist we’re using is not working out. The inmates aren’t being seen on a regular basis, timely basis,” said Hassel.    

The cost is $2,350 per visit with any number of inmates, which Hassel says is less expensive. 

The commissioners unanimously approved the Memorandum of Understanding following review by the county’s insurance consultant.