Culver Town Council Holds Budget Workshop

The Culver Town Council members held a budget workshop last week where they discussed pier rental and boat slips. 

The pier rental and boat slips have not been updated in about five years.  They will increase anywhere from $100 to $300.  A public hearing to take comments on the increase will be held Tuesday, September 27 when the town council meets at Culver Town Hall. 

The council also decided to take the purchase of a $190,000 leaf machine out of the 2023 budget and purchase it this year as the money is available in the Motor Vehicle Highway fund.  An additional appropriation will be considered at some point this year. 

The estimated total of the General Fund for the 2023 budget is about $2.5 million, $484,000 for the Clerk’s budget, about $630,000 for the Police Department, $292,000 for the Fire Department, about $776,000 for EMS, $387,000 for the Street Department, $378,000 for the Park Department, $244,000 for Motor Vehicle Highway, $16,000 for Local Roads and Streets, $336,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funds, and $58,000 for the Unsafe Building fund.

A public hearing on the budget is expected to be held during the council’s October 11 meeting with the adoption of the budget at the October 25 meeting.