Argos Resident Expresses Frustration with Trash Service

Article submitted by James Master, The Pilot News Managing Editor

An Argos resident complained to the Argos Town Council members last week about the town’s trash service. 

Paul Stearns informed the council that it had been trash pickup day and that his trash, along with most of his neighborhood, hasn’t been picked up. 

“It was also large item cleanup, so they probably didn’t get to the whole town, but they’ll get it tomorrow,” Mullaney said.

Stearns pointed out that normally when trash isn’t picked up, he would receive a REACH Alert or some type of notification. Mullaney replied that she didn’t receive any notice that Republic Services hadn’t finished picking up trash. 

“But the last two times we had large item pick-ups, that’s what happened,” she said. “So, I assume they didn’t get through the whole town today.”

She went on to tell Stearns that if, on the day after, the trash hasn’t been picked up to notify her.

“They’re not upholding their deal down here. Why are we dealing with these people still? This is the third time, for my own personal residence. Okay? I sat with a recycling can full for a month because they skipped a whole half month of recycling. I still paid a full bill,” Stearns asked. “I know Mr. Jones is working on this on behalf of the town, but this is getting ridiculous people.”

Jones reminded the council and the audience that in May a letter was sent to Republic Services detailing the issues the town has with their trash service. 

“The council is aware that the service is not the greatest and these folks have to consider other options and if those are a new trash service so be it,” said Jones.

Mullaney detailed what could happen if the town still doesn’t see an improvement.

“Now if we don’t see an improvement then Derek will look at the contract and then the council will vote to get out of that contract and then we’ll go through a bidding process. And that’s what will happen,” Mullaney said.

Town Council Vice President Shawn Harley agreed with Stearns and voiced his displeasure with the quality of the trash service. 

“The big thing, Paul, is that they don’t have a lot of competition doing it with the kind of equipment they have,” said Council President Charles Randy Snead. He mentioned that there were some other smaller companies picking up trash around the county, but they wouldn’t be able to handle the size of a town. “With no competition, they don’t have anybody to kind of force them to do better.”

Snead assured Stearns that the council will and are doing what they can to relieve the trash service situation.