Marshall County Council Prepares for Budget Season

It is that time of year when government leaders start preparing the 2023 budget. 

The Marshall County Council members were informed Monday morning that department heads have submitted budget forms for the 2023 budget.  Auditor Julie Fox stated the requests total just over $16 million with special funds requested at an estimated $17.7 million.  In all, the requests total $33,799,286.18.

The department heads will be meeting with the council in August to go over requests.

The council also decided to move the Marshall County Council meetings to Thursday nights in 2023.  Councilman Heath Thornton thought it best to keep it the second Monday of the month at 9 a.m. ET, but Councilman Jesse Bohannon pointed out that every other municipality in the county holds meetings at night.  He previously stated that evening meetings would be more convenient for constituents to attend rather than a morning meeting.  Thornton countered stating that if there is a topic people want to discuss with the council they make it a point to attend the morning meeting.

Thornton made a motion to keep the meeting schedule the same, but the motion died for a lack of a second.  Bohannon made a motion to move meetings to the second Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. ET with the exception of the budget meetings in August and September which will remain at 9 a.m. ET.  The motion was seconded by Councilman Tim Harman and it passed with a unanimous vote. 

The meeting change begins in January 2023. The council will continue to meet in the second floor meeting room (Room 203) in the Marshall County Building at 112 W. Jefferson Street in Plymouth.