Marshall County Commissioners Updated on Bridge Projects

Several bridge projects are ongoing in Marshall County and others are scheduled in the near future, as noted by Marshall County Highway Superintendent Jason Peters.

Peters asked the Marshall County Commissioners Tuesday morning to enter into a contract with Milestone Contractors North for repairs on Bridge No. 301 on 17th Road.  The bridge was damaged due to an accident. The RFQ was for $32,900 which was accepted by the commissioners.

As for Bridge No. 1 on Ule Trail, the process is starting on the locally funded replacement of that bridge in 2024 or 2025. Katie Lear from USI Consultants said the cost will be about $227,700. It allows for full right-of-way access.  She said the county would see significant savings of about $50,000 if the right-of-entry approach was a possibility.  The contract was approved upon further review by County Attorney Jim Clevenger.

Peters noted that appraisals for Bridge No. 87 on 11th Road and Bridge No. 120 on Upas Road will be done and letters have been sent to owners concerning the projects.  The pair of bridges have been considered as joint-funded project, but they might be split due to concerns with Bridge No. 87 although that action has not taken place. Lear told the commissioners that no offers have been accepted by owners for Bridge No. 87. She recommended that the condemnation process move forward on the five parcels affected which could be several months. As a result, the letting date would need to be moved to next July in order to receive 100 percent funding of that project.  The commissioners agreed to wait until Friday, July 8 to see what progress has been made by the landowners, then the condemnation process will start.

Bridge No. 5 on Tamarack should be open at the end of the week while work on Bridge No. 9 on Queen Road will begin following the completion of that project.

The LPA contract for Bridge No. 231 on Center Street was approved by INDOT, while paperwork continues for Bridge No. 11 on Union.

Lastly, construction engineering and environmental documents for the Randolph Street bridge, Bridge No. 232 in the City of Plymouth, need to be done and discussions are ongoing concerning lighting and sidewalks to tie into the Greenways Trails project.