Marshall County Jail Maintenance Director Recommends Long-Term Maintenance Plan

Marshall County Sheriff’s Department

Marshall County Jail Maintenance Director John Greer recommended to the Marshall County Commissioners Monday morning to get together to draw up a long-term plan as a proactive approach to jail maintenance.

Greer stated, “What I don’t want to happen is to come to you guys and say, ‘We need a half of a million dollars to fix the jail up’.  I think that’s irresponsible.  I think we need to develop a broader plan, maybe a four or five year plan, on some of these higher ticket items.”

As an example, Greer presented the commissioners with a quote to replace a water heater for the inmates which would cover half of the pods.  Quotes ranged from $97,000 to $168,000, but the higher cost includes two boilers, which Greer prefers. 

Quotes were also given to replace the six remaining rooftop heating and cooling units.  Replacing two units at a time would cost between $151,000 and $171,000. 

Greer said the rooftop units do not need to be replaced this year, but a replacement plan needs to be discussed. 

“We can run a while, but how far are you going to kick the can down the road?  That’s the big issue and I guarantee it’s going to cost more.  Those tanks for those water heaters doubled in price since this December.”

The commissioners agreed to look at the quotes more closely and discuss them at the next meeting. 

Meanwhile, Greer updated the commissioners on maintenance projects in the jail including fire panels and the relocation of water lines that will not be located over the computer servers or evidence.  He mentioned fire response equipment updates, generator replacements, two booster pump issues, the replacement of battery backups, LED upgrades, the replacement of the water softener system, and the repair of the cracked main water heater that services the kitchen, laundry and booking.