Triton School Board Approves Retirement Requests

The Triton School Board members approved several retirements of long-time employees at the corporation this week, according to Superintendent Jeremy Riffle.

“We want to congratulate them on their retirement,” commented Riffle.  “One of those was Anita Haines, our corporation secretary.  She’s been at Triton for 34.5 years.  She’s just a great lady. Jami McIntyre works in the High School Cafeteria and she has been at Triton for 36 years.  Last, but not least, Steve Weissert has been a Special Education bus driver for 16 years and just a quality individual.”

The board recognized their commitment to Triton Schools.

Meanwhile, the board hired summer school instructional assistants and teachers Monday night.  Summer school is set for the first three weeks in June.