Residents Continue to Ask Commissioners about Proposed Marshall County Regional Sewer District

Residents from the Tyner and Teegarden areas continue to provide questions to the Marshall County Commissioners concerning a proposed Marshall County Regional Sewer District.

Ken Jones from the engineering firm Jones Petrie and Rafinski said in a previous meeting JPR was initially hired by the Marshall County Health Department to conduct a study of underserved areas of the county in terms of wastewater treatment.

During their regular meeting in mid-August, the commissioners approved a motion to organize and form the Marshall County Regional Sewer District.  A study conducted by JPR and presented by Ken Jones showed 15 areas of significant need where homeowners could benefit from having a sewer district.  The proposed initiating project would include the areas of Tyner, Teegarden and Inwood, along with an area what is being called the South Michigan Service area, that is south of Plymouth City Limits.  However, nothing has been decided.

The commissioners are favoring lake areas for improvements, but until a sewer district board is formed, the proposed sewer district has not had any forward movement.  Commission President Kevin Overmyer said that a board is not expected to be formed until next year, which may include five members with appointments by the commissioners and county council and others which will follow State Statute. 

County Attorney Jim Clevenger said he received a call from a Lake Latonka landowner concerning the process as the landowner would like to see that area as a top priority. 

Residents in Tyner and Teegarden have expressed frustration concerning communication and the fact that the areas have been identified as improvement areas.  The commissioners and Attorney Clevenger have explained that nothing has been decided and more discussions will occur when the board is formed.