Bourbon Street Department Installs New Welcome Signs

Bourbon Street Superintendent Roger Terry updated the town council members last week on several projects in town.

He said new welcome signs were installed in town.  Town Council President Ward Byers commented that many of the Triton athletic signs were not included in the new installation.  He said he’s been in contact with the Triton School Corporation about this as it is important that the accomplishments of the students continue to be recognized.

Byers stated, “What’s going to happen is some of those signs are going to be placed on Liberty Street on existing poles – kind of as a gateway into the Triton campus.  The signs will be put back up, not obviously all of them, but there will be several placed on Liberty Street.  The school is also interested, with their arts department and others, maybe coming up with other ideas for Liberty Street to enhance that as a formal beautification gateway into campus.”

Travelers will be seeing those signs on Liberty Street in the next few weeks.

The remaining signs that are not placed on Liberty Street will go to the Triton School Corporation. Councilman Les McFarland suggested that some be placed on Shafer Street and Byers agreed that could be a possibility. 

In other news, Roger Terry commented that the new basketball goals were finished last week at the park and leaf pick-up will begin in October. 

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