Marshall County Commissioners Consider Contract with Cottage Watchman Security Integrations

The Marshall County Commissioners considered a contract with Cottage Watchman to install panic buttons in the Marshall County Courthouse, with the addition of Marshall County Superior Court No. 3 and the Marshall County building.

Jason Rhoades from Cottage Watchman Security Integrations went before the commissioners earlier this month who stated that the system would text and email emergency contacts of an emergency, along with the use of two-way radios once the panic button was engaged.

Rhoades said the two-way radio will not interfere with local emergency radios.

He noted that several counties in the northern Indiana area utilize this system.

A quote was provided to the commissioners this week for the installation of 78 panic buttons for about $29,000.  Commissioner Stan Klotz said there was an option to install strobe lights for another $5,000.  They ultimately decided not to add that layer of security.  The county could apply for an IPEP grant to pay for 80 percent of the cost of the project. 

The commissioners voted unanimously to approve the project.