Marshall County Council Reviews Council on Aging Budget

Marshall County Council on Aging Executive Director Janis Jeffirs Holiday presented operating budget information to the Marshall County Council last week for approval.

“We provide public transportation – we are the only one in the county,” explained Holiday.  “So, INDOT basically gives us a one-to-one funding for that.  Our budget for next year is $592,426.  We’re estimating about 40,000 in fares that people pay when they ride with us which comes off the top which leaves us with $552,000 and INDOT would then pay for half of that and we would come up with the other half.”

Holiday noted that a new minivan is being requested at a cost of $47,000 which is an 80/20 split with INDOT.  She said scheduling software is being included at a cost of $64,573 which is also met with an 80/20 split with INDOT.

The council approved the budget and purchase requests with a unanimous vote.

Holiday added that trips are starting to pick up since the pandemic stalled the service last year.

“Last quarter we did 6,039 trips which was up about 1,200 from the quarter before.  We’re definitely looking up.  For the year last year we did 20,000 trips which was the first time it’s decreased in like six years.”

Around eight vehicles from the Marshall County Council on Aging operate every day.